
As we're coming to the end of Earth Month, I've been reflecting on how to be present in outdoor spaces while also taking the time to give back. As the chapter lead for Tuesdays for Trash Massachusetts, each week I...
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Howdy Lily Trotters fans! This is Coach Lora Erickson aka @theblonderunner. I am originally from Colorado but was recruited to Utah to run long distance for Utah State University where I graduated. I begin coaching running in college and have...
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Note: Prior to reading Liz's re-cap of her recent Barkley attempt, we highly recommend getting to know the Barkley Marathons through the following documentaries: "The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young" & "Where Dreams Go To Die." ----------------...
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Not that long ago, relative to my 20+ year ultrarunning career, I had a mental block against wearing compression while running. I was fully on board for compression used for recovery and compression to help with traveler’s edema. But to wear knee high compression socks while running long distances, I was a firm no.
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