If you’re a nurse, you’ll know how grueling a 12-hour shift can be. The pain that affects your legs after a long shift of helping people is not ideal, but it’s all just a part of the job, right? If...
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Designed for compression therapy, compression socks apply gentle pressure to your legs and ankles, enabling efficient blood flow from your legs to your heart to be oxygenated. This is great for those who are on their feet for a majority...
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Breast Cancer Awareness By Alison Anderson “What kind of sports bra do you wear?” In most of my circles, I’m THAT person. That ultrarunner. That triathlete. THAT crazy athlete. So I get a lot of questions, especially from women, about...
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Hi guys, Kait here! In honor of National Women’s Health and Fitness Day (Sept. 29, 2021), I wanted to talk a little bit about the importance of taking care of yourselves. What does taking care of yourself mean? I think...
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When your partner isn’t a runner By Alexa Hasman I come panting in through the front door, covered in mud and pull off my dirty shoes and socks to reveal my usual bloody toes and cut up legs. My husband...
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