Really want to make her beam this Valentine's Day? Take a look at this list of gifts that we know she'll want--because we want them all. No, seriously, "add to cart" happened multiple times during the making of this list...
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Unless you one of those super-organized people with the enviable skill of purchasing Christmas gifts in the summer, chances are you won't be wrapping gifts this weekend. Instead, you'll be scrambling to finish your holiday shopping, hunting for gifts that don't...
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As a small business ourselves, of course we have an interest in other companies who have started out with little more than a BIG idea and lots of pluck! This Saturday, we're giving special attention to those companies that not only offer carefully created and curated goods but that also commit to either sustainable environmental practices or social responsibility. Smart shopping made easy, right? Here's just a few of those we've been browsing!
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On the blog this month, we're sharing the stories of the women that inspire us daily for everything they make happen professionally, athletically, in their communities and more. These stories have more than #unstoppable women managing to kick ass in everyday life as a common thread. All of the women we're highlighting have at some point in their lives been delivered a breast cancer diagnosis. And, they've all gone on to accomplish amazing things most people only dream of. Tara's story is no different, and in the interview below, she shares her personal story from diagnosis to recovery and beyond.
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Lily Trotters Ambassador, Jill B. (you may know her on Instagram as @ultracrazyjill), is the definition of #unstoppable. After a breast cancer diagnosis, Jill went on to become an ultra runner, a free fitness movement coach (Hello November Project Virginia...
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