waiver of RIGHTS and RELEASE



All who submit images and videos to Lily Trotters International, Inc. through this website do so with the intent to share their images and likeness and with the knowledge and understanding that Lily Trotters International, Inc. has full permission and freedom to use all supplied content without license or further compensation as outlined below:

In consideration of the publicity, notoriety and other similar types of benefits that  the submitter of content  (“Submitter”) shall receive from appearing, posing, modeling, participating and otherwise performing in the photography and other materials distributed or used by Lily Trotters International, Inc. (“Company”), the Submitter grants to the Company a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sublicensable (through multiple tiers) right, license and privilege to use and create derivative works of such materials. Without limiting the foregoing, the Submitter further agrees that the Company shall have the unlimited right to vary, change, alter, modify, add to and/or delete from the Submitter's name, character, image, personality likeness, silhouette, depiction, picture, voice, visual representations and/or personal information, and/or to rearrange and/or transpose the Submitter’s depiction and personal information, and to use a portion or portions of the Submitter’s depiction, personal information or image together for any legal purposes whatsoever now known or that hereinafter becomes known. The Company shall have the exclusive right to secure copyrights and registrations in its own name on the materials depicting the Submitter in any country in the world.  The Submitter warrants and represents that the Submitter possesses all rights necessary for the grant of this license, including, but not limited to, trademark, copyright, trade secret and other intellectual property publicity and/or privacy rights and will defend, indemnify and hold the Company, its licensees and assigns, harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses arising out of a breach of the foregoing warranty. The Submitter has not committed or omitted to perform any act by which such rights could or will be encumbered, diminished or impaired.  Nothing herein shall be construed to obligate the Company to produce, distribute or use any of the rights granted herein. The Submitter disclaims entitlement to any future royalties, payments or other compensation.  This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties relating to the subject matter, and this Agreement cannot be changed except by written agreement executed by the party to be bound. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Maryland without regards to the conflict of law principles. 

By taking action to submit content to Lily Trotters International, Inc. all Submitters agree to and are bound by the agreement as stated above.