Need a new Crew? Look to these organizations!

With the release of our CREW socks (have you seen our NEW color?), we can't help but think about how important it is to a) maintain happy and healthy feet (duh!) and b) have a "crew" or squad of women that's got your back! Here are some ways to find "sole sisters" to support you on all of life's adventures.
Another Mother Runner
The ladies behind AMR know life is full of commitments and distractions, but they’re “here to keep you moving and inspired”. With everything from podcasts and training programs to blogs and gears, this vibrant community of women will have you going another mile.
Badass Lady Gang
What’s more important than running in a running group? Empowerment. And this crew takes empowerment seriously. (Just check out the #SportsBraSquad!) We love that the BALG helps women of all athletic levels have fun and feel powerful while being active--even if you’re just starting out. The only thing not welcome in the group? Self-criticism.
Black Girls RUN!
Started in 2009 to help fight the escalating obesity epidemic in the African-American community, BGR! is all about changing lives by changing lifestyles. But this group does more than promote fitness and healthy living--it busts stereotypes about who can be a runner and increases representation in an industry with a serious diversity deficit.
Hike It Baby!
Have kids, will hike! Hike It Baby makes it easy with varying levels of adventure and company that understands that anything involving kids means diaper breaks, snack breaks, and “Mom, look at this ant!” breaks. Nurture kids, nature, and community all at once...not to mention we appreciate anything that helps moms get moving and get out of the house.
Trail Sisters
Originally created to increase awareness of outdoor sports to women, Trail Sisters has become an advocate for women’s participation and opportunity in outdoor recreation, specifically trail running. Find journals, trails, retreats, discussion boards and an inspiring network of women dedicated to empowering other sportswomen.
These past several months have only called attention to the fact that being part of an inclusive, supportive, active community is necessary for our holistic health--both to combat stress and to create change. We've highlighted just a few groups that help keep us going and who know that running/being in isolation doesn't mean being alone, but we know there are so many more. Be sure to share your favorite crew with us!
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