Any Sport Any Season: Yoga & Pilates

"Lily Trotters are my new addiction. They make my legs feel refreshed and energized throughout the day. Whether I’m teaching a class or playing with my two kids, Lily Trotters keep my legs from feeling strained and tired. Not only are they healthy but they look AMAZING." - Nanda Oliveira, Yoga & Pilates Teacher and Lily Trotters Ambassador
Remember that time you had to come out of a pose because your legs got fatigued or cramped up due to the position you were in? Compression sleeves are a useful tool in remedying both of those issues and a host of others. People often recall seeing compression calf sleeves on the legs of runners and basketball players but ...yogis? That's a different story - until now!
Lily Trotters calf sleeves use graduated compression to increase blood flow and reduce lactic acid build-up in the legs, allowing them to work harder and feel stronger for a longer amount of time. The calf sleeves are especially useful as the foot is still able to apply natural traction to the mat or floor throughout your yoga or pilates sequence.
"Shavasana is one of my favorite times during class. As we begin to relax and focus inward, our body temperature begins to drop. Wearing a pair of cozy (compression) socks will keep your muscles warm and allow your body to submerge further into relaxation."
Sometimes yoga, and really most exercise, can be about letting go. Entering a "flow state" in which your mind is free to roam or be completely still is a unique experience that can result in pure bliss. Compression socks will help you sink deeper into your meditative state. As you release tension in your muscles starting from your head to your toes, our socks will increase the circulation of blood from your feet to your heart...ultimate "flow state" achieved!
"Probably my favorite advantage of wearing Lily Trotters is the social aspect! Almost daily someone asks me, “Where did you get your socks?” They are a great conversation starter. I love telling people about these amazing socks!“
For a little extra zen, check out our lotus-inspired 'OM' collection! Do you wear compression when you're on the mat? Share you experience in the comments below!
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