Happy Independence Day!

I feel so privileged to live and work in the U.S. 

Here at Lily Trotters, we are committed to helping the U.S. economy; it's a huge part of our value system. Still, producing goods in the U.S. isn't easy. The U.S. lost 3 million manufacturing jobs between 1998 and 2006 alone. Factories left our shores, bringing American jobs and businesses with them. On a macro-level, globalization removed many trade barriers and, as a result, today there are fewer factories and mills in the U.S. The few that remain are extremely busy!

I feel great about the North Carolina sock mill with whom we've partnered. I've seen first hand the great working conditions and how well management treats their employees. The trade-off, of course, is that our sock production costs come at a premium. If you ask me, that’s okay. Having Lily Trotters produced in a plant that adheres to our values and doesn’t support poor labor practices in exchange for lower costs, is a decision on which I won’t compromise. I feel so proud that every sock we produce is made in the USA.

The thing is, everything about our product is special. Take our yarn, for instance. We purchase the finest quality micro-nylon, dyed in custom colors. While we choose to source this yarn in U.S., there are only a few yarn production facilities left in this country. This leads to long wait times for orders — our biggest manufacturing hurdle! It's a challenge to get things made in the U.S., but Lily Trotters stands firmly behind the movement to bring manufacturing back to our shores. More jobs for more Americans – wouldn't that be great?

I hope someday to have a line of seasonal socks, including a patriotic sock for Independence Day. Until then, enjoy the July 4th fireworks.

Happy trails!

Susan Costa-Walston

Lily Trotters Founder and Designer

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